At 51 years old, Daniel was obese and at risk of having a heart attack.
“I was 245 pounds,” he says. “If I was walking fast I would huff and puff. My blood pressure was averaging 140/90 on meds. My cholesterol was through the roof!”
Daniel had two of the largest risk factors for cardiovascular disease: high blood pressure and high cholesterol. He was in the age range where heart attacks began to happen. Things weren’t looking good. He knew what had to change: his diet.
“I ate way too much and it was always the wrong things,” he says. “Fast food was a staple. I was miserable.”
And it wasn’t just how he felt physically. Daniel’s weight gain taxed him mentally, too.
“I wasn’t happy with my health, self image, and future. I viscerally needed to make me better.”
Daniel’s Keto Success Story
Everything changed when Daniel saw a candid photo that a friend had taken of him.
“I saw a picture of myself and I was disgusted with what I had become. I didn’t realize how out of shape I had gotten. I was miserable and didn’t even recognize it! I knew I had to make a change or the outlook wasn’t good.”
At first, Daniel experimented with low-calorie diets — and while he’d lose weight at first, none of them worked for him long-term.
“I tried other diets and there was no real progress,” he says. “They were all based on variations of the “western diet”. There were always way too many carbs and I always ended up bloated eating that way.”
Eventually, Daniel found keto. He noticed a difference immediately, and his health hasn’t stopped improving since.
“Keto was a program/lifestyle that offered a transformation not a quick fix. I’ve learned that living a keto lifestyle has helped me change myself into someone that I can be proud of.
I have lost 45 pounds and actually have definition in my abs! My cholesterol is healthy. My blood pressure averages 115/70. I can run without much effort and I can actually see a difference in my health, self image and future!”
When asked about how Perfect Keto has helped him in his Journey, Daniel had a lot to say.
“Dr. Gustin’s way of talking openly and plainly helped me understand keto. That led me to Perfect Keto and I never looked back.
“I use a lot of Perfect Keto’s products. My day starts with collagen in my coffee. It keeps me satiated through the mornings. The exogenous base helps to fight any cravings that might show up and keeps me in ketosis to boot. The bars are there to give me a snack that won’t spike my blood sugar. The cookies are my indulgence!”
Daniel, all of us on the Perfect Keto team are blown away by your transformation. A huge congratulations on your success, and the best of luck to you as you continue your keto journey.
Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.