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“Keto Was The Start of a Total Health Journey”


Three years ago, Vikki was struggling with her health.


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“I was slightly overweight,” she says. “I had painful joints, brain fog, and [didn’t fit] into my clothes anymore.”

Vikki had tried a number of diets, but none of them worked for her. She had gradually gained weight over a few years and her daily quality of life was starting to suffer. That all changed one day when she was shopping for cookbooks.

“Keto was the start of a total health journey.”

“I found a book titled ‘Butter and Bacon’ and decided I could follow that kind of diet,” she says. She chose to give keto a try.

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Vikki’s Keto Success Story

Keto changed Vikki’s life more than she expected — and it ended up helping her whole family.

“Keto was the start of a total health journey,” she says. “I didn’t lose much weight, but…I generally felt better and had less joint pain. My fiance, who joined me on this journey, was able to lose about 100 pounds.”

“It’s been an almost continuous learning experience.”

And after three years on the keto diet, Vikki is still learning and making tweaks to improve her health even more.


Join 90k+ people who are losing weight with Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

“Eventually I realized I was eating too many calories so I had to cut back,” she says. “Using a calorie tracking app helped a lot.

I [also] recently learned the difference between clean and dirty keto. It’s been an almost continuous learning experience, but the last year has been extremely enlightening when I found Perfect Keto.”

When asked about her favorite products, Vikki says, “Perfect Keto has great tasting, high quality snacks. I use the flavored MCT powders to make awesome keto coffee (my own recipe).”

Vikki, a huge congratulations on you and your fiance’s keto journey together. We hope it continues to enrich your life and health.

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Join 90k+ people who are losing weight with Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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