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“I’ve Lost 180 Pounds”


Today, we have the pleasure of sharing one of the most extraordinary keto success stories to date.

A short 18 months ago, Marc was facing a health crisis.

“I was morbidly obese,” he says. “I had no energy, had constant pain from inflammation…It was becoming obvious to me that if my life stayed on the same trajectory, I would die before 50.”

Marc had tried diets before, but keto appealed to him because of its simplicity.

“Keto seemed like the easiest ‘diet’ to keep track of — you could simply read the food label, or look it up in a tracking app, and know if you should or shouldn’t eat it.”

“I now have energy for my day, and I’m able to fit into clothes sizes I haven’t worn since I was 12.”

Between the lack of calorie-counting and keto’s hunger-suppressing benefits, Marc has found a formula that works for him.

“I’ve lost 180 pounds,” he says. “Getting up out of bed and not having the weight of an extra full-grown person weighing you down opens you up to so many possibilities.”

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Marc’s Keto Success Story

Marc has struggled throughout his keto journey. He had to get used to being in social situations without compromising his low-carb lifestyle.

“[There are] awkward times where people are eating carbs and drinking beers and you’re not. People also try to get you to eat unhealthy foods.”

“I’ve been able to wear a clothes size that I wasn’t able to wear since age 12.”

Fortunately, Marc has gotten used to staying strong in moments of temptation.

“When you’re burning fat, it’s easier to go longer without eating. So if I’m in a situation where good food isn’t available, I’ll just wait.”

Marc also keeps low-carb snacks on him for on-the-go emergencies.

“I love Perfect Keto bars as a snack. I’ll throw them in my bag if I’m going to go out, so I’m less tempted to go for something unhealthy. I also use theketo collagen to help firm up my skin and lubricate my old joints.”

Marc, your keto weight loss transformation is one of the most extraordinary and inspirational ones we’ve ever seen. From all of us on the Perfect Keto team, here’s a huge CONGRATULATIONS on your success. We wish you well as you continue your keto journey.

Have a story to share? Fill out this form and look out for your keto success story on our blog and social media.

Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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