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“I Can Run With My Kids Now”


For Megan, keto has been more than just a weight loss diet. It’s helped her mentally, too.

“I struggled with depression and weight issues since graduating high school,” she says. “I turned to food to make me happy, and all it did was make me hate myself more.”

Megan had struggled for years to lose weight, but nothing worked. 

“I finally found keto and I haven’t turned back.”
“I had tried other diets. Counting calories, meal restriction. I even flat-out stopped eating.” 

One day, Megan had a wakeup call. She realized that her weight was keeping her from being the best mother she could be, and she sat down to do some research. That’s when she discovered keto.

“I have 2 young children and it was a chore to get off the couch,” she says. “I couldn’t play with them. Couldn’t be the mom they deserved. I finally found keto and I haven’t turned back.”

keto success story

Megan’s Story

Megan is coming up on her two-year anniversary of starting keto. The initial shift was a challenge for her.

“The first few weeks were the hardest,” she says. “Especially coming off the sugar. But I knew I had to for myself and my kids.”

“I can run with my kids, I can do my job better. I have more energy. My anxiety and depression have gone down tremendously.”
Megan also ran into an unusual challenge a few months into keto.

“My hair started to fall out after I lost the first 50 pounds or so. Keto Collagen helped with that a lot.”

Now, Megan is back to having a beautiful head of hair (just look at the photo above!) and she’s a healthier, happier person than ever. 

“I can run with my kids, I can do my job better. I have more energy. My anxiety and depression have gone down tremendously.” 

When asked what keeps her going on tough days, Megan’s answer was simple:

Coffee,” she said. 

Megan, thank you for sharing your story with the Perfect Keto team and all our readers. 

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Keto Success Stories are shared by our readers and customers in their own words. The keto diet and any nutrition advice found on this blog are not meant as a medical intervention, advice, or diagnosis. If you’re interested in trying a new diet, supplement, or lifestyle change, please speak with your doctor or another qualified healthcare provider. As with any diet or lifestyle protocol, individual results may vary.

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