Keto and Atkins are two popular low-carb diets.
Both keto and Atkins share a central idea: you can improve your health by limiting your carb intake — cutting out high-carb food groups like whole grains, carb-heavy processed foods, starchy vegetables like potatoes, and desserts.
If you’re new to low-carb diets, these two diets may look quite similar. But while there are some similarities between them, there are also a few key differences that set them apart from one another.
What is the Ketogenic Diet?
The keto diet is a low-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, high-fat diet plan.
The goal of keto is to get your body into ketosis, a metabolic state in which you burn primarily fat for fuel, instead of sugar or carbs.
When you’re in ketosis, your body runs on ketones, little bundles of energy that come from either the fat you eat or your stored body fat.
Ketosis comes with a wide variety of health benefits, including weight loss, stable blood sugar, and better brain function.
In order to get into ketosis, most people have to eat under 50g of net carbs (total carbs minus fiber) a day. A typical macronutrient breakdown for keto is:
- 75% fat
- 20% protein
- 5% carbs
What is the Atkins Diet?
The Atkins diet is also a low-carb diet, but it works a little differently than keto does.
Atkins is broken down into four phases geared toward weight loss. You set yourself a goal weight, then move through four phases, depending on how much weight you lose:
- Induction Phase. During this first phase, you eat under 20 grams of net carbs a day, until you’re within 15 pounds of your weight loss goal. You’ll almost certainly be in ketosis during this phase of Atkins.
- Phase 2. You increase your carb intake to 25-50 grams of net carbs a day until you’re within 10 pounds of your goal weight.
- Phase 3. To lose the last 10 pounds, you increase your carb intake to 50-80 grams of net carbs a day, until you hit your weight loss goal and maintain your goal weight for one month.
- Phase 4. Once you’ve stayed at your goal weight for a month, you can eat up to 100 grams of net carbs a day. You stick to phase 4 indefinitely to maintain your weight loss.
With Atkins, you gradually increase your carb allowance as you lose weight.
Keto Vs. Atkins: Similarities and Differences
Keto and Atkins are similar in some ways, but they also have key differences that lead to significant changes in how they affect your health and weight loss goals.
Keto and Atkins overlap in a few different ways. For once, they’re both low-carbohydrate diets that emphasize high fat intake and moderate protein intake.
In fact, the induction phase and phase 2 of the Atkins eating plan are nearly identical to keto. In those two phases, you’re limiting your net carbs to under 50 grams a day (~5% of your daily calories), which should put you into a state of ketosis.
Both diets focus on eating moderate protein and higher fat, and they’re both centered around avoiding carbs, especially refined carbs and sugar.
Keto and Atkins also have strong research showing that they’re good for losing weight. They both outperformed higher-carb diets in studies looking at sustainable, long-term weight loss[*][*].
The main difference between keto and Atkins is that a ketogenic diet keeps you in ketosis all the time.
On Atkins, you’re likely in ketosis for the first two phases (you may see these phases called Atkins 20 and Atkins 40). That means you’re burning primarily fat for fuel, not sugar and carbs.
But in phase three and the maintenance phase of Atkins, you will likely transition out of ketosis and simply eat a moderately low-carb diet.
Keto, on the other hand, is very low-carb all the time, which means your body is in a consistent state of ketosis.
Ketosis offers a few additional benefits that you may not get during the later stages of Atkins. However, some people find they do better with slightly higher carb intake, and that a non-keto low-carb diet like Atkins works better for their body.
Which diet is best depends on your unique nutritional needs.
The Benefits of Ketosis
If you feel good in ketosis, you may want to consider following a keto diet. Ketosis comes with a few benefits that you won’t get during the later stages of Atkins. Benefits of ketosis include:
Hunger Suppression
When you’re in ketosis, you burn fat as your main fuel source instead of sugar. Your body turns fat into ketones, little bundles of energy that power your cells.
Ketones are a great energy source, but they also help with dieting. They turn off ghrelin, your body’s main hunger hormone, which suppresses your appetite[*].
This is one reason there are so many keto success stories when it comes to weight loss (here, here, and here, for example). On a keto diet, you can stay in a mild calorie deficit and gradually, sustainably lose weight, without the constant hunger that you feel on other diets.
Faster Metabolism
People in ketosis also burn an average of about 300 extra calories a day, compared to people on a low-carb diet with macros similar to Atkins phase 3/4[*].
When you eat a ketogenic diet, you burn more calories and feel full on less food. That’s a great recipe for weight loss — but it doesn’t happen with higher carbohydrate intake, like on Atkins or a low-fat diet.
Keto’s extra calorie-burning benefits can also guard against weight gain when you stop trying to consciously lose weight.
Blood Sugar Levels and Type 2 Diabetes Management
Carb restriction, in general, is a good choice if you get blood sugar crashes or sugar cravings, or if you have type 2 diabetes. Limiting carbs and sugar keeps your blood sugar more stable, and keto and Atkins are both good for blood sugar control[*][*].
However, a ketogenic diet seems to be the best choice for managing blood sugar.
On keto, you eat so few carbs that your blood sugar remains consistently low and stable — to the point where many people with type 2 diabetes can get off their medication entirely[*][*].
Atkins also controls blood sugar and can help people reduce their type 2 diabetes medications, but in studies, it didn’t help people get off their medication entirely, the way keto can[*].
Improves Brain Health
Because ketones easily cross the blood-brain barrier, your brain can use them efficiently for energy, leading to sustained mental performance. Early research even suggests that a ketogenic diet may protect your brain against diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and overall neurodegeneration[*].
Ketones can do wonders for your mental health and brain function, including[*][*]:
- Preserving neurons and synapses, which improves short-term memory, focus, attention, and learning
- Lowering neuroinflammation
- Improving cognition in people with dementia
Again, these benefits are specific to a ketogenic diet.
Decreased Risk of Heart Disease
Your cardiologist might be happy if you switch to keto, too. Ketones have antioxidant effects on the lining of your blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and increase the efficiency of your heart.
Studies found the mechanical efficiency of the heart increased by 30% and blood flow increased by 75% when running on ketones[*][*][*].
Getting into a state of ketosis also reduces risk factors for heart disease, including lowering your triglyceride levels and increasing your “good” HDL cholesterol levels[*].
The Benefits of Atkins
On Atkins, you increase your carbohydrate intake, especially during the later phases of the diet.
Some people prefer the added flexibility that Atkins offers. Eating more carbs than a keto diet allows can be helpful in certain situations.
Athletic Performance
High-level athletes may benefit from slightly higher carb intake than you get on a keto diet, although research is mixed.
A recent study of super-endurance athletes found that people in ketosis and people eating carbs performed equally well during a three-hour run[*].
However, another study found that keto-adapted endurance athletes didn’t do as well without carbohydrates as fuel[*].
Anecdotal reports from people are similarly mixed. Some do just fine working out on keto, while others experience a decrease in performance.
If you’re a high-level athlete and your performance suffers on keto, Atkins is a good way to introduce more carbs into your diet.
You can also try variations of keto that are geared specifically toward athletes, like a cyclical keto diet or a targeted keto diet.
Thyroid Hormones
A ketogenic diet may decrease thyroid hormone production in some people[*] — although again, research is mixed.
The majority of people follow a keto diet without any thyroid issues, and some people with autoimmune thyroid issues actually report an improvement in their symptoms when they switch to keto.
Thyroid hormones regulate carbohydrate metabolism, and some keto experts theorize that the decrease in thyroid activity happens because on keto, your need to metabolize carbs drops significantly.
However, at present, this is purely a theory, and some people who try keto, especially women[*], may see a drop in thyroid hormone production that can cause fatigue and other health issues.
If you have a history of thyroid issues, talk to your doctor about starting a keto diet. If you need more carbs, Atkins may be a better choice for you.
Both keto and Atkins are similar diets, but the key difference that sets them apart is ketosis.
On a ketogenic diet, you’re in ketosis all the time, which comes with additional benefits to your overall health that you won’t necessarily see during the later stages of Atkins. Ketosis is particularly useful for weight loss, heart health, brain function, and blood sugar management.
However, constant ketosis isn’t for everyone. High-level athletes and people with thyroid disorders may do better on a higher-carb diet like Atkins. Or you may just feel better eating more carbs.
What matters most is finding a diet that’s sustainable for you long-term and the best way to figure out your ideal diet is to work with a nutritionist or a dietician and try a few different ones to see what works.
I have been on a Ketosis diet for 2 1/2 weeks and am feeling great but when I tell people they said it sounds like a Atkins diet. This article is great on explaining the differences. I feel great and hope other people try it.
Hi Eugene thank you for your note. It can be pretty tough to explain the differences in conversation, but boy are the results different (at least in our experience). Glad you feel great. Keep rockin’ it!
I tend to disagree with your explanation of Atkins. It was never proposed to eat unlimited amounts of protein. Have you read his book? The increase in carbs after 2 weeks was to establish a maintenance level after one has achieved weight loss. It was never intended as a strict regime. He also explains the metabolic advantage in relation to calories, which does not get any mention in your version. Lastly, the
most healthy approach to low carb/ high fat eating is probably that of Ken Rosedale, but he seems to be largely overlooked.
ATKINS: In the first 2 weeks = 20 gr carbs. After that you can increase little by little. Protein: between 100 and 200g of protein containing foods per meal (that’s really not unlimited amounts)… If the author of this article does not have time to read the book than just go to Atkins website… they explain everything there. I hate it when I read stuff that disinform… So please, do your research and write it again. I get that you are a Ketogenic diet fan… but that doesn’t mean you can give wrong information about other diets just to make a point. Have a great day everybody!
Points well made. I’d like to add that the “Original” books written by Dr. Atkins did NOT include all the processed crap the company is now selling. I used Atkins to lose 30 lbs I have maintained that loss and all the LCHF benefits for 4 years now. This reads more like an infomercial than a fact based comparison.
As far as The author writing for atkins possible weight gain bounce back in long term … any diet is the same way.. the keto diet is almost exactly the same. If you read the book, there are limits on the foods you can eat.. it is not a free for all. Just another diet trying to be the “NEW” diet of the century using a different name.
I completely agree. Be knowledgeable on the subject you are informing others about.
I agree Lou. Atkins sets you up for long time success but you do actually need to read the book! I have been on Atkins for 5 months with a total of 62 lbs lost. I feel great and look great but more importantly I have learned how foods effect my body and will forever be changed by this experience. It took me a few months to really have it down and knew how to be successful. It referring back to the book helped tremendously. I have nothing against Keto diet as I have never tried it. It this article seems very one sided.
Wow—-I been on Atkins 2 months for 25 lost but stuck now—what Atkins book do I need to read–Thanks;; oh–lost 3 inches in my waist also—lot more weight an inches to loose –hopefully; Thanks yall;
I believe this confusion comes from the fact that the original Atkins diet came out in the seventies and he did promote eating all the meat and fats you wanted. When his book was reprinted in the nineties, he had modified and changed the diet a bit because he knew more by then. So, everyone is kinda right.
I think the old Atkins diet gave the perception of unlimited protein but we know that would be dangerous.
I totally agree with you, Lou. I DID read Dr. Atkins book, as well, from front to back cover. I read the 90’s version. He explains the entire diet in great detail. People don’t like to read anymore. So, the Atkins Diet seems always to be judged on people who may summarize the diet too much and make uneducated and poor choices. He explains about the super necessities of balance, water, vitamins and supplements. He also explains exercise in his books. After he passed, the Atkins company came out with all of these “convenience” foods and snacks. Forget those things and read his books. You can literally pick one up in paperback almost anywhere in secondhand stores or used book stores for a couple of bucks. Use common sense when making your food choices. It’s a no-brainer. 😉
I read both the old and new versions of the Atkins books and loved them for the history and the basic understanding of ketosis. I think it was an easy transition from high carb diet to no carb or very low carb diet. I stayed on the diet for 2 years and only introduced carbs back into my diet when I found out I was pregnant. I stayed in the induction phase for most of the 2 years and never felt better. I think I ended up exploring vegetables far more than protein towards the latter part of the diet. I liked how he mentioned that in a standard super-market, you could basically shop at the outside of the market and skip everything processed in the middle. The books really opened my eyes to knowing what you are putting in your bodies and reading lables. That was 13 years ago and to this day, I still completely avoid processed foods and most bad carbs. It completely turned me off potato chips, pasta, sugary soda, and high sugar anything. I’ve just started back into Atkins for the last few weeks (easy transition) and gearing towards full Keto. Cancer runs high in my family, so my decision to kick sugar to the curb is based on ‘anti-cancer’, more than weight loss.
I enjoyed this article for the comparison between the two diets, but agree with some of the comments above about the ‘unlimited protein’of Atkins. It seems to me the diets are almost the same, basing your diet on a constant state of ketosis. Maybe one higher in fat.
In the end, I don’t see how you wouldn’t gain weight once going off either eating pattern.
Good luck to everyone who is giving it a try!
Agreed, these diets are the same to me using common sense and using your body’s results as a gauge. I did Atkins years ago and it is a healthy way of eating and, for me, exactly the same as ketosis.
Actually, in Dr. Atkins original book, he did say you eat as much as you possibly wanted.
However, because of the negative health impacts, this language was changed to say eat until satisfied.
I’ve read this article and still don’t get the difference. If you stop eating Keto and eat regular food you’ll gain just like Atkins. To me, there is no clear cut difference. Or at least none that I can tell from this article. Also, you don’t 50 grahams of carbs on Atkins until you’re in the maintanece phase. I’ve been told that’s it’s different because of Keto says you should eat fresh foods. But, the original Atkins diet, before he died and they started packaging all that crap said you shouldn’t eat that stuff anyay. So, is there really a difference? I can’t see one.
It’s basically the Atkins diet on a diet!
One diet is high fat which reduces insulin and the other is high protein. That is the biggest difference.
The difference is in the fat vs protein. Keto is higher fat and less protein than Atkins. Basically eating more avacado and oils maybe.
I’ve been on the Keto diet for 3 weeks now. I’m enjoying it it does seem similar to Atkins which I was on years ago. This seems more controlled and I’m not hungry or have the cravings as much. I hope when I weigh the end of the month. I will see a big difference.
How much weight have you lost so far? Also how do I get started on this.
Where did you get the whole Keto diet plan without having to buy it . I’ve read several articles but none to explain what to follow . Thanks Lee
I did the Atkins diet years ago lost a lot of weight. I like the idea of the ketone diets it sounds healthier. Being 54 i need healthier.I know all about ketosis everything I went to the doctor he’d tell me your in ketosis. But I like quick meals with few ingredients. All the recipies I’ve seen for keto are really involved. Do you have a quick meal guide. I prepare all my own meals I don’t like prospered foods.
Hi Yolanda. Couldn’t agree more with the quick meals with few ingredients. We have recipes coming out every other day or so now, and blog posts about really good grocery lists posted. Dr. Gustin also has some keto meal guided on his site I hope these help! 🙂 Tell us your results from keto v. Atkins too!
Although atkins is a low carb diet, the start or induction, was set up to induce ketogenic state, by keeping the carbs really low, (25 grams or less), then go through different stages, where you could add a small amount of carbs each week, provided you were still losing weight. If you stopped losing weight then you, dropped your carbs back down by 5 grams at a time, until such time as you started losing weight again. You did not have to be in a nutritionaly ketogenic state, but pobably were, as your carbs were so low. Robert Atkins also advised that most of your calories should come from fat, he encouraged eating fatty cuts of meat, with a couple of cups of salad, and a cup of vegetables, at the most, also stay away from most dairy as they contain too many carbs, but a small amount of fatty cheeses were allowed, so long as you could tolerate them. read his early book. It is all there, people just use, ignorance to excuse their eating atkin bars all day long, then trying to get away with other fake foods. Eat low carb (25 grams of carbs or less) depending on your bodies tolerance to carbs, fill up on fat, and make sure you get enough protein to keep your muscle. make your carbs vegetables (mostly green). you will lose fat weight very easily. Don’t eat fake foods!
Check out “Simply Keto” by Suzanne Ryan. She explains everything and gives you super easy recipes and a 30 day guide. She also has a blog, Keto Karma.
Thank you to whoever shared this information. There are people with Epilepsy who are still in the dark, have tried everything they could think of with no success. I had to leave work this morning due to having fits. Desperate I looked up ‘diet for Epilepsy’, then by God’s grace, The Ketogenic diet sprung up on my screen. It sounds fantastic and I plan to start it immediately. All medication does is give side-effects and in a lot of cases make someone worse.
Jess, good luck from all of us. We hope it changes your life. We have family members who have dealt with similar struggles without knowing the ketogenic diet existed and offered a solution. Please stay in touch.
I too have epilepsy (10+ years). I was browsing a website one day for different methods of controlling it besides medicine and I had no idea that diet could play into it. I’ve been slowly changing my eating habits to go keto with my mom. It’s been about 2 weeks now. We did the Atkins about 10 years ago and lost a lot of weight, but gained it back not long after stopping it (I don’t remember why). I told her keto is like the Atkins diet and she basically said “say no more” and was both feet in. I just hope she doesn’t think it IS the Atkins diet where you can eat anything you want as long as it’s not carbs.
It’s crazy that your doctor didn’t recommend changing your diet. The fact that low-carb helps with epilepsy has been known for YEARS!!!
I started the Atkins induction phase based on advice from my doctor. She told me that I really wanted to reach ketosis. After doing my own research, I have fully immersed myself to the keto way. It’s been one week, I’m down 11lbs. Other than the occasional headache, I feel really good!! I want to shout to the masses that “you’re doing it wrong”
I will never go back.
Woohoo Laurin! Shout it from the rooftops. It’s funny I think we all have to make the mistake of “doing it wrong” before we actually get into ketosis. Once we are there it’s pretty great 🙂
How do you really get into Ketosis! Not sure if I’m”doing it wrong” ?
Are you testing? Only ways to “do it wrong” is a) to not test ketone levels or b) to do keto alone. Check out our community group
Whoah, this weblog is wonderful I really like studying your articles. Keep up the good work! You realize, lots of people are looking round for this information, you can help them greatly.
Raleigh, thanks for your note and encouragement, that is certainly the goal! 🙂
Loved this article. I too lost about 30 lbs on the Atkins Diet many, many years ago and gained it all back. I am now looking to try this Ketogenic Diet and am wondering what supplements you are talking about that can help you get into ketosis.
Awesome Kim! PK would love to help you get started with a gift. 🙂 email me at [email protected]
If you go back to your old way of eating you will also gain back any weight you will lose on Keto.
Pro tip: Atkins IS a keto diet.
Do you have to count calories on a keto diet?
Totally up to you! It depends on your goals and how targeted you want to be with fat loss or mass gain or maintaining your current body composition.
You have to cut calories to lose weight. I tried ketosis without cutting calories and I didn’t lose a pound.
I worry about heart and artery health with such high fat. Traditional “healthy” diets include lots of veg and some fruits. What about vitamins, if one cuts out most vegetables and fruits, both of which are carbs?
Great question Sally. With cutting out starchy vegetables and most fruits, it can be a slippery slope to a low vitamin unhealthy ketogenic diet. We stress doing quality keto by sourcing the best most nutritious types of fats and proteins, while also including leafy veggies and low sugar berries. It’s very possible to have an incredibly nutritious ketogenic diet. With your concern about the high-fat nature of keto, we have all been there and shared that same concern.
Hi, my wife and I have been on the keto diet for 29 days. She has lost 17 lbs and I have lost 22 lbs. We feel great. The main thing is to meal plan, it makes it alot easier. I’m at my goal weight but would like to add muscle. What is the best way to do this? Should I now change my macros percentages. And what are the supplements you had mentioned? Love the blog!
Thanks Chris, this is awesome! Congrats on the transformation. To add muscle we would first try increasing primarily you daily fat macros along with a slight increase in protein macros. Cater your workouts to more strength training exercises too (heavier weights, higher volume). See how you feel after one week of upping the fat and then iterate upwards from there. Please check back in! 🙂
The supplements are exogenous ketones, they are awesome for real pre-workout energy on the ketogenic diet. Hope they are great for you and your wife!
What about the New Atkins Diet… more Keto, I think (just starting book)
I am so frustrated with this diet and want to give up. I’ve only lost 4 lbs in 3 full very strict weeks. I am not sure what I am doing wrong? I may be eating too much protein
4lb in 3 weeks is significant progress 🙂 dramatic short term weight loss is not always the best idea. Stay dedicated and definitely tinker to see what works best for you for the long term
I’m doing the ketogenic diet for almost 4 weeks, not eating anything more than 20 carbs a day, I bought the keto stripes to test for ketosis and I couldn’t get passed neg reading…I started taking the powered drink supplements for three days now and the stripes are only reading trace amounts.. the taste wasn’t bad but it did give me some bowel issues.. am I doing something wrong?
Try to add in some MCT powdered form and this should help. Also take a look at how much protein you are eating currently.
You probably need to step it up with intermittent fasting. Just eat lunch and dinner with plenty of fat. Skip all snacks and I mean all snacks. The extra fat will satiate you long enough to fast between meals. If you eat at noon and 6pm, then that is 18 hour fasts every day. Anything over 11 hours is really good for you. Your baseline insulin is too high and this is the only way to get you past the sticking point.
I’m thinking the same thing — lots of changes but very little weight loss — it has been about a month and a half. I’m not convinced this is healthy for me. I’ve lost weight via other methods that seem more balanced. This one is taking SO long!
It’s possible to gain weight, maintain weight, or lose weight on a ketogenic diet. “Keto” is just a metabolic pathway. Have you tried using a keto calculator to set your goals and tracking how much you are eating?
Hi there. I have been ready to start the Atkins diet before coming upon your page, here. I do see the differences between the two and would love to get on the diet and lose weight to keep it off forever. I would like to build more muscle as well through this process and be healthy. How do I know how much protein to consume on a daily basis to be enough, but not too much?
Great question. I would suggest asking yourself what your goal is and then use a macro calculator. My favorite is at — see how it goes and then make adjustments from there. Hope this helps! 🙂
Atkins as it is today is ketogenic. You can’t just cut out carbs and eat all you want of fat and protein. This articles does not reflect the Atkins of today. Most of the carbs you do eat need to come from veggies and berries. Then high fat and moderate protein. You can’t just wing it when doing any keto diet. Decades ago Atkins was way more permissive about quantities, but it’s been a long time since those days. I think this article does a disservice to Atkins followers.
What do you think the differences are that aren’t being pointed out here?
I am sure this piece of writing has touched all the internet users, its really really pleasant post on building up new web site.
I was wondering is there an app for the phone that would help me count carbs? I was also wondering is this diet hard on the kidney and liver functions?
KetoDietApp and MyFitnessPal are our favorite. Definitely do your research and speak with a physician but a ketogenic diet tends to be less demanding on the kidney and liver.
I have been eating a ketogenic diet for about 5 weeks now (I have had a slip up but nothing crazy) and I love the results I’m getting. I do work out about 4-5 times a week and lost 15 pounds! I meal prep every week to be sure I’m eating properly and when I go out to eat with friends, I am very mindful and haven’t had trouble finding options in restaurants. Just about every place can give you some protein and a side salad with dressing.
I am curious about the supplements you were talking about above. I use a prework out and it’s been working for me but I’d like to find a more keto friendly one
Ketones preworkout is one of the most popular ways we see people using Perfect Keto. I take a scoop plus about 5g of BCAA’s. Ketones before and during workouts give you energy and decrease need for oxygen. Hope they are great for you! 🙂
It’s going to be finish of mine day, however befpre ending
I am reading this greazt pkst to improve my know-how.
I am trying to work with a diet to help with diabetes. It seems everyone has an opinion- no fat, low carbs, no legumes, high fiber, lowfat, low calorie sweetners, eat more smaller meals throughout the day, no eating between meals…etc. From Atkins to Bernard to Fuhrman, it seems that basically cutting out carbs is the way to go. However, the first thing I was told when diagnosed with diabetes was to stay away from Atkins because it will shut down your kidneys. Then when the meds were not working well, I was told that I was not eating enough carbs for the meds to work. This is from the endocrinologist who’s main solution is to prescribe medication. Is there a perfect meal plan that is specifically targeted for the diabetic without endangering the kidneys? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Steve, there is no perfect meal plan. Strive to eat a clean diet. You have to read labels. Avoid preservatives, color additives, toxic stabilizers, emulsifiers; processed refined foods such as white flour, sugar, breads and pastas. Eat foods with a short ingredient list. Avoid high fructose corn syrup, soda, foods not made by nature, etc. Eat whole grains-there is a seal , yellow and black that authenticates a whole grain. If your budget is limited, then make eggs, Kerri-gold butter, grass-fed/grass-finished meats, and dairy your target. Eat healthy fats in combination with lots of greens, vegetables, fruit. Observe portion sizes. Stay away from artificial sweeteners. It’s better to use small amounts of a natural sweetener,then adding more chemicals to your body. If you don’t have fluid restrictions, drink plenty of fresh water daily. You’re going to have to do research. You can download a list of of low-starch vegetables, and complex carbohydrates to round out your meals. Eat closest to nature and away from the food laboratory .The simplest medication is insulin. Your body makes insulin. The issue can be insulin resistance or your body is not making enough. Controlling you blood sugar will help protect your organs. Check blood sugars pre-meal and then two hours post-meal. Keep a log and work with your provider to help you with the correct amounts of insulin to cover your meals. Insulin is easy to use and safe. Diabetes takes work. It’s a life altering change but your life depends on it. I share your journey. Wishing you peace and health.
“Eat whole grains….” Grain are inflammatory for many humans.
“Eat healthy fats in combination with lots of greens, vegetables, fruit.” Eat non-root, non-starchy (above ground) leafy vegetables. Eat the lower sugar content berries and stay away from most fruits.
I, too, am diabetic, and I understand and share your concerns. I’ve found that being strict but not “uber” strict has been helpful. For instance, I simply don’t count vegetable carbs (of course, I avoid corn, potatoes, carrots, beets, etc., very high carb veggies). I count fruit carbs (and not many of those). I’ve eliminated all grains. I try to stay under 30 net carbs, and most of those come from vegetables. I’ve been fairly successful, but it has been slower for me than a lot of people. Keep it up and find your balance. It will come.
I looked at both diets, having heart disease in my family I chose my own diet
Carbs: under 20 grams per day
Low fat: as in I don’t put butter in my coffee
Protein: Chicken fish steak
Eight glasses of water a day some days more but never less
I began 9/14/2017 to date I have lost 50 pounds 12/27/2017
I no longer take metformin nor do I have acid reflux
I was in ketosis for three weeks presently I am fat adapted
Measured with blood ketone meter.
What ever works for you, do it, if it’s not working tweak it till it does!
Hello, just wanted to tell you, I loved this post.
It was funny. Keep on posting!
Pretty! This was an extremely wonderful article.
Thank you for providing this info.
Thanks for this article. I tried Atkins when it was a new fad, but had no success. Partly due to impatience on my part, and partly due to still being hungry. I think I just wasn’t eating enough. I’m about to turn 35 and have been on a mostly vegan diet for the past 6 months with pretty intense workouts. I was doing great, but just last month, I noticed that I was gaining weight instead of losing it. Food intake was the same, but beefed up my workouts. I am carb sensitive so, I was looking to try Atkins again, but then found your article and now I’m interested in exploring a ketone based diet. You mentioned supplements. Can you provide more info? I’m pretty Leary on taking supplements because I have hypothyroidism and take medication. As it is, I have a hard time keeping my metabolism in check and I’m afraid I might throw myself off with supplements, but I may just be misinformed. Your guidance is greatly appreciated!
Hi Lorena, you can read all about our supplements on our product page and in our other blogs. With have many posted as well as guides on how to keto depending on your specific health goals. Hope you find the information helpful 🙂
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I was hoping for a real comparison. Sadly this is not it. You have seriously misrepresented Atkins, so do I believe what you’ve presented about Keto? Back to do more research. Feeling like I’ve been up-sold. Sigh.
What do you feel like was misrepresented?
I was able to find good info from your blog articles.
Thanks for the awesome information! I highly appreciate it.
Fantastic Site. Very much enjoyed reading.
Fantastic Website. Really enjoyed reading.
I create a comment when I appreciate a article on a site or if I have something to
contribute to the discussion. It’s triggered by the passion displayed in the post I browsed.
And on this article The Ketogenic Diet Vs The Atkins Diet:
Is Ketosis Better Than Atkins? – Perfect Keto. I was excited enough to post a leave a responsea response 😉 I actually do have 2 questions
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Thanks for finally talking about >The Ketogenic Diet Vs The Atkins Diet: Is Ketosis Better Than Atkins?
– Perfect Keto <Loved it!
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Can anybody please explain to me in simple terms: if I already have stored body fat to burn, how does eating more “high fat” help ?. Im soooo confused about this fact and have seen soooo many differing answers that I don’t know what to do anymore. Wont the newly eaten fat have to be used up first before my stored fat starts to be used up ???
thanks in advance.
From the article: “In the absence of carbohydrates for an extended period of time, our liver converts fats into fatty acids and ketone bodies, also just simply called “ketones.” Ketones can then be processed into ATP, which is the energy currency of the cells.”
Our bodies can break down fat to use as energy when no carbohydrate is available.
Eating sugar (and not fat) makes us fat via insulin.
One needs to consider how we ate before we settled into an agrarian lifestyle. We were herbivores and carnivores and the latter we ate intermittently with periods of enforced fasting while we looked for food. In summer when the plants produced fruit which is in fact just a seed (nothing like the modern fruit which is loaded with sugars) we sought these out as they were sweet. This had a reason – seed dispersal and to put on fat for the colder winter when the food supply was more limited. Also, if we lived near a river fish supplemented our diets and if we lived on the coast, fish and other seafood supplemented our diets once again. Going hungry stimulated our brains to work out how to catch food.
The best part of the animal was the inner parts where the fat and vitamins were. Fat would have been our primary fuel. There were no bakeries around to give us carbs. Its probable that the meat was thrown to the dogs, which is why they evolved to eat meat.
So, off the carbs, plenty of above ground vegetables, lots of fat, some protein and intermittent fasting is the way to go, with the occasional pig out.
Keto folks need to stress the requirement for ‘healthy fats’: grass fed / ocean fed animal fats, olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil.
I want to try the keto diet, but can someone please tell me the difference between the proteins and the fat as far as eating?
I did the Atkins diet years ago, but very interested in the keto diet
Hey Donna, keto is similar to atkins but also different in terms of ratios of fat and protein. It’s a low-carb, moderate protein, high fat diet. I would definitely recommend checking out the starter guide here: to get a better idea of how it works.
Hi, I love the post. Thanks for sharing.Very inspiring!
so i have not done any diet program but would like to try the keto diet. i am working out and lifting weights so with this diet will i have the energy to do it.i read it gives u nausea and all.
I did the Adkins diet about 6 years ago and did realize significant weight loss. I just started back on Adkins and have found the meal plans to have evolved in a positive way. You are NOT encouraged to consume all the fat and protein you want. Quite the opposite. The Adkins meal plans I am following have very specific weights and amounts of fats, proteins and carbs that are suggested and recommended. I was never into their processed snacks and meals. It seems healthier to make your own out of real food. After researching both diets, I truly don’t see a heck of a lot of difference between the two. Pick whichever one works for you.!!
There are different ‘ketogenic’ diets; none should be considered ‘moderate’ protein. The easiest keto diet is simply 2/3 healthy fats and 1/3 equally divided between protein and carbs.
Thank you. Let’s begin to read more. With love.
First time to try dieting and decided on this ketogenic diet after seeing good results for a friend. Been at it for almost 2 weeks and so far seeing good results; dropped at least 1 dress size, not feeling hungry a lot unlike before and increased energy overall. Realized I was already doing intermittent fasting before this diet and I guess that’s a good and effective combination. Trying not to overanalyze and still learning about the diet but so far so good:)
Great read.
I’m on keto, never felt better before!
Best Regards,
The Atkins diet has been around a lot
longer than the 90s. 1972, in fact.
I am familiar with the Atkins diet and the Ketogenic system but I didn’t have to do either one to lose my weight at its highest mark of 380. I have a friend who started an online High Protein, Low Carb Food Exchange diet for which I lost quite a bit of weight of 200 pounds which means I am now at 180 pounds and maintaining it. I still have another 25-30 pounds more to go but, boy I feel so great about it and am wearing 3 sizes less in my clothes. You just need to find what will work for you and I found my niche.
Your blog is really helpful and quite informative as in this you clearly told about keto genic diet and atkins diet. I’ve been on the Keto diet for 5 weeks now. I’m enjoying it it does seem similar to Atkins. This seems more controlled and I’m not hungry or have the cravings as much. I hope when I weigh the end of the month. I will see a big difference.
This is exactly what I needed
On keto, we need to eat the healthy fats and a lot of them. I am confused on how to do this. I’ve been on the keto diet one week and have lost 7 pounds which is great. Now, I’ve been told to watch my calories AND eat more fat. I don’t really know how to do that. Help!!
I am a 64 year old female that needs to lose 25 to 30 pounds. Walking is my current exercise. Thank you!
Watch out for sugar alcohols. They will cause gastric distress. A lot of Atkins foods and candies have those. Its not worth it. Learn to like stevia.
The comment about Atkin’s being a short term diet is ridiculous. I have been on it for 20 years. Many distance runners are using Atkin’s to help train their bodies to us fat for fuel which by the way is the desire of any marathon runner. The “Keto” diet is the same darn thing. Someone just wrapped Atkin’s in a different package to make a buck.
I have had great success in the past on the Atkins diet and kept the weight off for several years, only backsliding during pregnancies when I had an “eating for two” thing going on in my head. I recently picked up one of Dr. Atkins’ books from the 90s discussing the science of the Atkins diet, which discusses ketosis and the value of determining whether you are in it or not and adjusting carb intake appropriately. I am ending my first week of the induction phase and feeling great. I thought the article was a bit one-sided, reinforced by the fact that the author writes for “Perfect Keto.” I’m sure there are benefits to Keto, but I think those of Atkins are misrepresented.
I would like to know how this affects your gallbladder. I now have stones due to years and years of yo-yo dieting, including Atkins (which was the most successful for me). Is it going to make more gallstones in my gallbladder? Last thing I need is another surgery. Thanks!
The Atkins diet was famous in the 70s & 80s too. Maybe even before that!!
I’ve been on Keto for just over 3 weeks now and some very positive results for weight & fat loss as well as general energy and positivity . However I would like to understand, if anyone has experienced a pounding heart beat on Keto, or even heart palpitations. Does anyone know why these latter symptoms occur, and potentially how long they last before settling down.
I was on the Atkins diet many years ago. I went on it for two reasons, one to loose weight and two to be an example to my mother who was overweight and had type II diabetes. I lost about 60 pounds in 7 months, 320 down to 260. During that time our family doctor told my mother it would be good for her to be on the Atkins diet. Out of disgust and stupidity I stopped the Atkins instead of adjusting it for maintenance. In a few years being overweight and diabetic confined my mother to a wheel chair and a few months later took her life. I am 72 and weigh 330 pounds. Yes I need to do something so I can spend more time with my two wonderful granddaughters. After reading this one sided article both my overweight wife and I are going on the old Atkins diet and this time when we reach our goal, adjust it so we will keep the excess weight off. Thanks for this article, it helped me decide which diet to use.