Read this guide where we’ll discuss a popular food additive, xanthan gum, and its compatibility with the keto diet.
How Many Carbs Can I Eat on Keto?
Carbs on keto are limited. We explore whether you should eat them all in one sitting, before your workouts, or spread them out over the course of your day.
Keto and Menopause: Is Keto Good for Your Hormones?
Menopause causes a lot of uncomfortable symptoms in women due to hormonal changes. If you’re looking for a diet that helps you through this change of life, here’s more about keto and menopause.
What is Collagen? Types, Benefits, Side Effects, and More
In this article, you’ll find out more about the types of collagen, what collagen does, and the pros and cons of taking a collagen supplement.
OMAD (One Meal a Day): Benefits, Safety, and How to Do It Correctly
How does OMAD work and what are the expected benefits? This article discusses OMAD in detail, how to do it properly, and knowing when to stop.
Keto vs. Vegan: What’s The Difference And Which One Is Better?
How do keto vs vegan diets compare? Read this article to learn their differences and similarities, and how to choose the best diet for your health and goals.
New Studies About the Risks and Benefits of Doing the Keto Long Term
Will doing keto long-term help? In this article, we explore some of the recent studies published on the keto diet and how you can approach it safely.
Does Alcohol Break A Fast? Guide to Drinking While Fasting
People who fast sometimes want a glass of wine or have a few drinks with their friends. In this article, we explore intermittent fasting and alcohol, and how this will affect you.
Can You Drink Coffee While Fasting?
Can you drink coffee while fasting? This is a common question among those who are interested in fasting for health. Read this article to know the answer.
What is the Lazy Keto Diet?
Learn what the lazy keto diet is, how it differs from strict keto and dirty keto, some pros and cons, plus a healthy meal plan to fill your week.
Keto vs Whole30 Diet: Differences, Similarities, and Which is Better
Keto vs Whole30 — which diet is right for you? Read this article if you’re curious about how each diet may help you and what you should eat and avoid.
Is Lupin Flour Keto?
Read this article to find out whether lupin flour is keto-friendly, its nutritional profile, health benefits, and answers to common questions.